This Presentation for HSE Professionals who want to Control the Malaria in Residence are and it will help others reader how Malaria diseases is dangerous and how it can effect you badly. The HSE Professionals this slides in their Induction Presentation to guide the workers.
MALARIA - KILLS ( How it is dangerous for us )
➤ One of the 10 most prevalent DEADLY diseases in the world today
➤ 300 - 500 Million clinical cases occur every year
➤ 1.2 - 2.7 Million deaths every year
➤ Nigeria is No. 2 in the WHO Charts for Malaria
➤ Malaria is a very common disease in Nigeria, Philippines and other countries where stagnant water is a common site , it is present throughout the year.
➤ It is spreading through mosquito insect bites (Mosquitoes are everywhere in Bonny Island).
➤ Malaria is a very dangerous disease as it kill children and expatriates easily because of lack of natural protection (immunity).
Malaria is transmitted through the bite of the Mosquito.
Cerebral malaria is fatal in 20 - 50% of cases
Non-immune people are at greater risk of suffering the serious consequences of catching Malaria
Malaria Symptoms
➤ Abnormal feeling if you have malaria may include
➤ Fever
➤ Headache
➤ Joint pains
➤ Chills
➤ General feeling of unwell
➤ Cold and hot feeling
➤ Excessive sweating
➤ Diarrhea
➤ Vomiting
➤ Weakness, body pains etc
If you suffer from any of these symptoms report to the site clinic or HSE Professionals at site immediately.
Mosquitoes are small insects that fly about mainly at night and in
dark areas during the day time.
They feed on fluids (Human blood)
Where Are Mosquitoes Found
➤ Mosquitoes are common in swampy areas (like Bonny Island, river)
➤ They are also common in areas with stagnant water, bushes and dirty surroundings (Monkey village, Bush bar, Angalanga etc)
How Do Mosquitoes Carry Malaria Germs?
If mosquitoes suck the blood of a person with malaria germs then the germs is transmitted into the mosquitoes.
How Do Human Get Malaria?
➤ When a mosquito carry malaria germs bites a healthy person, it injects the malaria germ into the blood of the healthy person.
➤ The germs multiply and are carried all over the body, after 1-2 weeks the victim becomes sick of malaria).
Prevention Guidelines
➤ Take your malaria prevention tablets/medicine (All expatriates).
➤ Don’t stay outside the camp in the nights.
➤ If you are outside in the evening and night wear long sleeves shirt and trousers.
➤ Use insect repellant cream when you are outside.
➤ Stay with fumigated environment.
➤ Use mosquito nets on window and always close your doors.
➤ Avoid stagnant water and bush within your surroundings.
➤ Keep your environment clean.
Even if you are taking malarial tablets after leaving the site should you develop a fever tell your doctor you have been to an ‘area of risk’ the parasite can stay in the liver for months even years after your trip.
Malaria Prophylaxis MUST be continued for 4 weeks (7 days with Malarone) after leaving Bonny and during leave periods.
Don’t Forget,
Malaria Is A Silent Killer!
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