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Recently WhatsApp has changed their Privacy Policy that your Data will share with the advertiser its make many People make Frustrate that how Whatsaap can do this. Facebook is the owner of WhatsApp & Facebook is already Collecting and saving your data and selling your data to advertisers for their product campaign.
Most People think that FB has only my Name, Email id, and Phone Number I give them to create my Profile id how they get the benefit if they use it? 

Facebook doesn't collect and store the data you are given to create your ID they store many things others you don't give them to create your ID, if you want to see your information is available to FB.

It is possible that you can get all of the data which is collecting by Facebook. yes, this is possible you have to follow the instruction to 
get your data from FB.

1. log in to Your Account and then Click on the Settings
2. Click on your Facebook Information.
3. Click on Download your Information.
4. you will see the Request Copy option click on the Create File to get Your information when you click on the create File option your Copy will be available to you after 24 hrs.

The Video is also available to guide you below.


Within 24 Hrs, you will get mail that your Data is ready to download link will be available to you to download it or go to setting in FB and download from there.
You will receive a zip file to download when you get the file extract the Zip File.

When extracting the file Clik on the Ads and Business Folder then Click on your off Facebook Activity this is a shocking part for me what FB is doing with us.

Off Facebook Activity means is that what any other Apps you are using in mobile this social site also track you which have not any relation to this FB Service and this Apps and websites doesn't require your Facebook account to login to use their service.

Follow the Instruction to get your Off Facebook Activity.

1. Click on the Ads and Business
2. Then Click on your Off Facebook Activity
3. You Will see HTML files you see the in screen Click on a random file to see which information Facebook has access

See the Video for further information.

In Video you have seen that Facebook store Data when I login JAZZ Cash & Essay Pasisa App( These App working in Pakistan like Paypal Worked) or using Bank Website for a transaction or using any Website on the internet they track store all of your activity.

In this situation, We don't know what is the Purpose of Facebook to track and store these data because this information is not used for Ads purpose.

There are lots of things Facebook collects your Data Some examples are given in Videos.

In the video, You have seen that Facebook shows to the advertiser that what is your interset are what kind of Ads should be displayed to you.

The second part is the shocking part for me that when I using messenger to chat with another person they store my text and pics with a folder by folder I chat with any person. 

There are many things Facebook is doing with our privacy. 

When you download your backup from FB you will see approximately 30 Folders of your personal data and it shows you that how your data are managed and sell to advertisers.

This post is written to inform you that how your Privacy is compromised when you use FB on your Personal Laptop /PC or on mobile. Now it is your choice you are want to use FB or not.

Please comment in the Comment Box if you want any additional information about Facebook Data Privacy.  

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