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In the construction field, you cannot ignore the importance of Scaffolding if you build improper Scaffolding it may cause of deaths of many labours at the workplace. Most of the companies are not give importance regarding the scaffolding because when you build scaffolding they take time and labour cost also in the third world countries there is no Law about Health, Safety and Environment and if the Laws exist but the Law enforcement agencies are not paying attention to enforce HSE Laws.
in the News, you heard that during the construction of High rise buildings or structures scaffolding collapse and many labours lost their lives. I am trying to explain how to build Scaffold Safe for workers and how to inspect the Scaffolding.
This presentation for HSE Professionals who want to get information or guidance about this topic may help them to improve their knowledge.

The Main Contents of the Presentation are:
➩ The objective of the Presentation
➩ Hazards in working in height
➩ Fall from height
➩ Definition of Scaffolding and how it works
➩ Types
➩ Mobile Scaffold
➩ Independent Scaffold
➩ indoor Mobile Scaffold
➩ Couplers types how it works
➩ Basic plate Importance
➩ Right Angle 
➩ Putlog Cupler
➩ Swivel Coupler
➩ Spigot Coupler
➩ Sleeve Coupler
➩ Girder Coupler
➩ Wheels importance in Mobile Scaffolding
➩ Built Scaffolding Foundations
➩ Bad Practices
➩ What is Standard
➩ What is Ledger
➩ What is transfoms
➩ What is Brace
➩ Working platform
➩ Importance of Guard rails
 How to Build Handrails and Midrails and their importance
➩ What is Toe board and their specification  
➩ How to build ladder access in Scaffolding
➩ How to Place Ladders and how to inspect them
➩ Inspection and Checklist importance and which point should add in the checklist
➩ what point should be added when you give handed over the Scaffolding to Construction or Maintenance team
➩ Tagging System
➩ Which kind of Fall protection should be used 
➩ Common Faults
➩ Summary of the Presentation