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Majority of an accident that happens in the construction site due to the negligence of worker or wrong assumptions of Supervisors and also other facts also involves in the cause of Accident. There is method Called Risk Assessments or Job Safety Analysis which are is an acceptable method to reduce the risks involved in the site When you conducting an important task to accomplish the work.
This Presentation will help you how to conduct Risk Assessments or Job Safety Analysis what matters you should give them a priority. 

The main content of this PPT is:

➨  Introduction
➨  Definition of JSA
➨  Definition of RA
➨  Definition of Risk Management
➨  Risk Management Tools
➨  RA Process
➨  Hierarchy of Control
➨  Risk Management Process
➨  Identify Hazards
➨  Identify People at Risk
➨  Risk Evaluation
➨  Benefits of JSA
➨  Five Steps
➨  Sample Formats 
➨  Guidelines
➨  How is done at your Site
➨  Summary of the Presentation 

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